You can open a document if its status is In work. You have the following options for searching for documents with the status In work:
For the last four documents that you created that still have the status In Progress, the In Progress section in the Documents area on the right-hand side under > Brand Template Builder > Overview.
For your documents with the status In Progress, select In Progress under > Brand Template Builder > Documents.
Use the advanced search under > Brand Template Builder > Manager > Documents. Note that you can only find INDD and HTML documents here.
Search using the categories assigned to the documents under > Brand Template Builder > Manager > Documents > Categories. Note that you can only find INDD and HTML documents here.

Choose > Brand Template Builder > Overview.
Click the preview image of the document (pen icon) that you want to edit.
The last four documents that you created that still have the status In Progress are displayed in the In Progress section in the Documents area on the right.
The document opens.

Choose > Brand Template Builder > Documents.
Select the In Progress entry at the top of the picklist.
If necessary, you can further restrict the number of documents displayed using the full-text search or the characteristics Categories, Tags, Format, Output method, and Color.
Click the preview image of the document (Edit) that you want to edit.
Your accessible documents with the status In Progress are displayed.
The document opens.

This action is only valid for INDD and HTML templates.
It is currently not possible to access an online template under > Brand Template Builder> Manager.
Choose > Brand Template Builder > Manager > Documents.
Enter the search criteria. For more information, see Documents.
Click Search.
Select the document that you want to open in the In Progress area.
On the document, click >
> Edit.
The advanced search for documents is displayed.
The results are displayed in a hit list.
The document opens.

This action is only valid for INDD and HTML templates.
It is currently not possible to access an online template under > Brand Template Builder> Manager.
Each document is assigned to at least one category. Categories are characteristics that are created in a structured way in a category tree and managed centrally by administrators. Multiple characteristics can be assigned to a document (for example, target groups and document types).
Choose > Brand Template Builder > Manager > Documents > Categories.
Click a category.
Select the document that you want to open in the In Progress area.
On the document, click >
> Edit.
The category tree is displayed.
The assigned documents are displayed in a hit list.
The document opens.